Likovne besede Magazine


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Likovne besede
Komenskega 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 433 0464

The magazine Likovne besede (Art Words) has been published since 1985 by the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU). Likovne besede usually comes out twice a year as a double issue and is the main periodic publication in the field of visual art and art theory in Slovenia. It is published in Slovenian with summaries in English. Since 2009 a booklet series Ljubljana Personal, Alternative City Guides has been published as an artistic alternative to the tourist brochures.


Each issue of the magazine focuses on a theme ("Arte-fact?", "Women in Art"; "Microutopias"; "Views on Contemporary Slovene Art"; "Art and Time"; "Dreams", "Psychoanalysis and Art" ...) combined with regular formats such as "Round Table", "Interview, "Contributions to the Slovenian Dictionary of Art Terms", and the "Theoretical Supplement". The magazine features also exclusive notes by the artists (diaries, reflections, artistic pages).

In 2010 the exhibition Likovne besede – 25 years and forth at the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU) Gallery presented the selected artworks that were created for the magazine by Mirsad Begić, Milan Erič, Milan Golob, Meta Grgurevič, Milena Kosec, Marko Kovačič, Ivo Mršnik, Alen Ožbolt, Irena Romih, Alenka Sottler, Matej Andraž Vogrinčič and Kamila Volčanšek.

Ljubljana Personal, Alternative City Guides

In 2009 the editors Nevenka Šivavec and Mojca Zlokarnik conceived a new bilingual book series Ljubljana Personal, Alternative City Guide [Ljubljana osebno, alternativni vodič]. These booklets which feature alternative guides for the city of Ljubljana are written by artists or art-related experts. Up to 2011 appeared the City Within the City [Mesto v mestu] by art historian Miklavž Komelj, Revolution Action [Revolucija Akcija] by Estela Žutić and Gill Duvivier, Ljubljana's Phone Book [Ljubljanski imenik] by painter, restorer and writer Lucija Stepančič, illustrated by Damijan Stepančič and Infantile City, Inside – Outside [Infantilno mesto, od znotraj – od zunaj] by Daniel Jewesbury, an artist from Ireland and the 2008 AiR Celeia Celje artist-in-residence.

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Likovne besede +
biannually +
Likovne besede +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Komenskega 8 +
The magazine Likovne besede (Art Words) has been published since 1985 by the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU). +
The magazine Likovne besede (Art Words) has been published since 1985 by the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU). +
+386 / 1 433 0464 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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